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without or lacking oil


changing the middle east’s energy paradigm

Oil has helped the Middle East establish economies, it’s helped businesses to grow and flourish, and nations to rise from the sandy wilderness into some of the most forward-thinking, high-rise and high-tech countries in the world. As resources diminish and we move towards a post-oil period in the region, diversification of the energy mix and reducing the economic reliance on fossil fuels is seriously important.

Development of new technology to enhance and advance the energy conversation in the region is essential. As populations in MENA continue to grow at around 2% every year leading to double the numbers by 2050, there is a clear mandate for finding sustainable solutions for the long term. We take a look at some of the ways that the energy industry is transforming.


duke+mir investigate how the region is in high gear, racing towards their renewable energy goals driven by a non-oil dependent mandate. We look at innovation in technology within the solar, wind and tidal energy industries and whether they could yield the results required to provide for an economically viable alternative to non-renewables like oil, gas and coal. Could the Middle East become world leaders in green energy? 

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download inside insights issue 04 - oilless / economies

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